-Dalai Lama. Cloning should be regulated by a moral compass to prevent unethical procedures and practices with this technology. The moral compass should be a set of standards that are aligned with deontology and based on ethical principles. Although cloning has and will accomplish more remarkable feats in the future one must keep in mind that in the wrong hands could result in a moral issue. An example of …show more content…
Imagine from the first day born one’s life was already determined as host to harvest organs for other people. Another example is the movie The Island, a hollywood science fiction film based on a society that depended on identical clones of themselves for the purpose of harvesting organs if one became ill. The movie portrayed the reality that clones are living sentient beings with hopes and aspirations like any human. For that reason it is crucial to monitor cloning especially in the purpose for organ harvesting. Some may object that organ harvesting can be ethical by using vegetable state hosts for the organs, but the idea is repulsive and there are much better alternatives. 3D bioprinting is one of many new developing technologies that can be used as alternative to organ harvesting. The whole process of bioprinting includes the use of 3D printers to construct complex organs by using stem cells as the printing material. Tests on animals have also shown the effectiveness of this process. As Dr. Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, exclaimed, “within a matter of five years this technology could be used in patients.” With this type of technology progressing, organ harvesting would seem like an outdated idea. Indeed, cloning should be regulated to ensure unethical practices such as organ harvesting do not …show more content…
First, organ harvesting was proven repulsive since it takes away the life of a living sentient being and when compared to better alternatives such as bioprinting it seems primitive. Next, immortality, life extension, and etc. are unethical reasons to use cloning technology hence, cloning should be implemented for medical and therapeutic reasons only. Lastly, policing cloning with a moral compass is necessary to ensure unethical basis is prevented, and for the technology to properly advance in the righteous path. As the Dalai Lama exclaimed, “all live is scared,” clone or