The Consequences Of Love Between Romeo And Juliet

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From feud to joy and feud to death, the love between Romeo and Juliet was short yet powerful. In the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, two young lovers meet in the heart of Verona, Italy. Born to be sworn enemies, Romeo montague and Juliet Capulet ended up falling in love and put an end to their family’s feud. Their love was not an easy one, it caused the deaths of their friends and families and also lead to their untimely deaths. The love between them showed how when people are in love, all they are focused on is the other person. Their young and inexperienced minds pushed them into making poor decisions that followed with serious consequences. The tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet were caused by the impulsive and bad decision they made …show more content…
Romeo decided to go and forgot about Rosaline completely. Before entering, he said “ I fear too early, for my mind forgives some consequences yet hanging in the stars. Shall bitterly begin his fearful date. With this nights’ revel, and expire the term. Of a despised life closed in my breast. By some vile forfeit of untimely death” (1.4.108-113). Romeo was talking to Mercurio about a dream that he had which foreshadowed his future. He felt that going to the party would be the start of something bad and would end with his death. But, Romeo still decided to go even though he knew that something bad was going to happen. This was a bad decision because Romeo meets Juliet and falls in love with her which was the beginning of their complicated and forbidden relationship. Another decision that Romeo made was after marrying Juliet. Romeo was on his way to see Mercutio and Benvolio when Tybalt showed up looking for Romeo to teach him a lesson for showing up at a Capulet party. Tybalt challenged Romeo to a fight but Romeo resisted since he is now Tybalt’s cousin in law, Romeo decided to remain calm and told Tybalt that for reasons he loved him. Mercutio could not stand what Tybalt was doing to Romeo and attacked

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