3.1 Communication Channel
A team is only as good as its communication. Misunderstanding, conflict will bring a lot of extra work and longer time to complete an issue. Thru internal channel of communication, we are using reports, meeting minute, email, and memo, phone call to get the immediate message or information …show more content…
The information we receive from our brain or senses might not be accurate exactly the same way that we think. It might include some body languages, gesture, emotional, feeling when we transform into a message. The environment of an organization might influence the process of communication, both sender and receiver. You might add in your prejudgment before you speak. To avoid fail in communication, we have to overcome the barriers to effective communication. There are various barriers of communication:
Physical Environment Barriers - which caused by timing, place, space, climate, noise, and the choice of medium.
Cultural Barriers – which caused by diversity of cultures.
Psychological / Attitudinal Barriers – which caused by moods, emotion, attitudes and relationships.
Barriers caused by varying perception of reality – the level of understanding and comprehension.
Learn to overcome the barrier which likely to block your communication. Try to control your emotion, watch up your language, be open minded and etc. Pay more attention of the reaction of your audiences when you are the speaker. Do not against the taboo or rules which will cause communication …show more content…
Downward vertical flow refers to from higher to lower levels communications. Superior is giving order, instructions, and information regarding procedures and policies or message from management to the subordinators in verbal or written message. For example: Manager will share the updated company policies to subordinate via e-mail.
Upward vertical flow is opposite of downward. It is voice from lower level. Lower staffs covey their information to management level with reports or power point slides.
For example: CSE compile the monthly inventory report to manager and share the info of the current inventory level.
(B) A horizontal flow happens in co-worker situation which is same-level in an organization. It is more likely helping in problem solving and enhanced coordination. There is no consideration of upper or lower position but tie together for crossing department or functional. This horizontal channel allows a lateral or diagonal flow of sending or receiving message. Information interprets in formal or informal ways. Engineer and CSE will work together to settle an ad-hoc issue, engineer will support for the technical knowledge of product and CSE will help to negotiation with supplier or forwarder, such as cases in goods dead on arrival