The Checklist Manifesto begins with Gawande reflecting on the unexpected …show more content…
A team, or a group of followers being led by someone, relies completely on communication to be successful. This means involving as many people as possible in the process. If you have more people collaborating on a project, you have more perspectives. As we learned in our unit on adaptive leadership, the more perspectives, the better. An important part of being a leader is letting your followers be heard. Their perspectives can shine a new light on the problem you are faced with or the goal you are trying to achieve. An ineffective leader hoards all the responsibility to himself because he believes that he is the only one who can do it correctly. In contrast, an effective leader gives out responsibility to his followers and trusts that they will do a good job. Trusting that they will do a good job means that you cannot helicopter over your followers. This trust will inspire your followers to perform to the best of their …show more content…
Making a checklist of what homework you have to get done or what you need to get at the grocery store is an easy way to start. This will make you a more effective and successful person because you will be able to catch more silly mistakes in your life. On a deeper level, The Checklist Manifesto gives a great example of how to be a leader. Atul Gawande is the perfect example of an adaptive leader. His “hands off” and communication driven approach to leadership inspires people to perform at their best all the time. Personally, I plan on trying to be more like Atul Gawande when it comes to leadership. I find that one of my biggest flaws is the idea that only I can do it correctly. Gawande has inspired me to be more trusting of my followers. Without a doubt, this book has helped me become a better