The Cuban people were frightened and in opposition to the overt sexuality and open practice thereof which existed in this sect of people. The controversy against its religious proponents caused leaders to speak out in the Wicca community and justify their action, through his own words Crowley claimed that sexual power was divine in nature and that an individual’s soul opened up to cosmic powers and divine blessings the most during sexual orgasm and then allowed them to manifest whatever they so willed (Pearson 2005). The actualization of the true self is instilled within the practice of Wicca that purports the advancement and affirmation of one’s own will in place of the morality that Christianity practiced so that an individual may capture enlightenment and true “freedom” from constraints as Nietzsche supported (Pearson 2005). The condemnation of Wicca’s practice often came from those that discovered that sado-masochism would be integrated into some of …show more content…
Each category of sexuality is accepted within Wicca which values sexuality as a gift from the god(s) and believes that it should be expressed gleefully and responsibly sans any coercion or malice manipulation (Robinson 2010). Wicca certainly promotes varying sexualities with special regards to homosexuality between women as well as bisexuality to a lesser degree. It has feminist ties which are evident due to the fact that the entire subsect of Dianic Wicca is geared towards feminist ideals and lesbian feminist politics and ritual agendas. Also, the controversial sexuality that was promoted within Wicca by its foes and justified by its disciples and founders also denotes a positive correlation between Wicca and sexuality. The gaps I found are that there does not seem to be almost any information about homosexuality between men or observations about the sexual rituals that the men serving the god Pan follow. It speaks of them as guardians and warriors that dawn horns, but it addresses them surprisingly sparingly in the text considering that Wicca is regarded as an egalitarian religion. If I had to make any amendments, I might study a few dozen Wicca covens and examine the sex ratio of their members as well as observe their common