The first article that I read was in relation to whether a peer (target) with a positive mood, influences an employees’ (actor) voice. The research question in this study was whether a target’s mood affects the worker’s voice in confronting the target about a work related proposal. In the study, the hypothesis was that a target with a positive mood is likely to cause an actor to provide a voice in expressing a work related proposal.
The study was an experimental design. The independent variables were gender and educational level and scales of self-measuring techniques. The dependent variable in the study was whether the actor chose to express his or her voice to the target.
Procedure and Measures:
The study of 142 students was scenario-based. Some participants were labeled an “actor” and the other half was labeled the “target.” The role of the actor was to construct a certain plan enhance the employment company. The targets would then present a positive or neutral mood when engaging with the actor. All of the actors were given a chance to meet with some experts in the field of the company. The experts informed the actor of a better plan that would provide more benefits to the company. Half of the actors were to speak to a target that …show more content…
Strengths in this study include the amount of participants in this study. Also, it was randomized and statistical data analysis was used. Weaknesses in the study include the possibility of bias responses in the study. The main message that I can take from this article is that there is many factors that play a part in sleep deprivation. Seasonal changes happen to be one of them. Losing hours of sleep on one night will lead over to the next day, afterwards the pattern continues. There is also a strong need for developing coping strategies from being fatigues due to work shifts and seasonal