A license can best be described as a contract in which one party grants another party permission to use its copyright, design, patents, trademarks, or trade secrets. For example, a driver's license grants individuals the right to operate vehicles on government owned roads. Another example of a license is a business contract stating that Nike cannot take ownership of a shoe that Sneakers has created even if they jointly created the shoe. A license does not transfer ownership of the property or item. An example of a franchise would be Taco Bell. Taco Bell runs under the name of "Taco Bell," however, this franchise is fully owned by a company called YUM. Taco Bell is a franchise used in order to sell another company's
A license can best be described as a contract in which one party grants another party permission to use its copyright, design, patents, trademarks, or trade secrets. For example, a driver's license grants individuals the right to operate vehicles on government owned roads. Another example of a license is a business contract stating that Nike cannot take ownership of a shoe that Sneakers has created even if they jointly created the shoe. A license does not transfer ownership of the property or item. An example of a franchise would be Taco Bell. Taco Bell runs under the name of "Taco Bell," however, this franchise is fully owned by a company called YUM. Taco Bell is a franchise used in order to sell another company's