Course 15 states “Process trust exists when both parties have faith in a governing institution and believe that it supports their negotiations.”. We as leaders, subordinates, and peers need to have trust in the process and not to question it. Having trust in the process is to have trust in the Air Force and its core values and policies. I will do this by openly showing faith in the process myself. I will lead by example emphasizing the importance of the process put in place, and motivating my Airmen to feel the same way. This in return will motivate my peers to trust in the process as well and they will remain optimistic while spreading their faith to their subordinates. My supervisors will see the positive change I have set forth on not only my flight my peers flights as well and will entrust me with more responsibilities. This in return will set me up for success in the future by allowing my supervisors to have trust in me as a leader hopefully making the whole unit trust in the process
Course 15 states “Process trust exists when both parties have faith in a governing institution and believe that it supports their negotiations.”. We as leaders, subordinates, and peers need to have trust in the process and not to question it. Having trust in the process is to have trust in the Air Force and its core values and policies. I will do this by openly showing faith in the process myself. I will lead by example emphasizing the importance of the process put in place, and motivating my Airmen to feel the same way. This in return will motivate my peers to trust in the process as well and they will remain optimistic while spreading their faith to their subordinates. My supervisors will see the positive change I have set forth on not only my flight my peers flights as well and will entrust me with more responsibilities. This in return will set me up for success in the future by allowing my supervisors to have trust in me as a leader hopefully making the whole unit trust in the process