Alcohol is usually paired with the Priest that shows his moral choices. Such as when he drinks for pleasure, “with a little brandy… I’d defy the devil” (42). For the priest whenever confronted with brandy, he drinks for selfish and self-indulgent reasons that lead to being sinful and bring upon his shame. In contrast, wine is also often associated with the Priest, but in this sense is used for pious reasons or religious services such as the, “consecration of wine” (71). The wine’s usage symbolizes a morally upright priest who serves God and guides people on their spiritual journey. Wine, given by the Priest, is an offering to the people as is usually given in a place where he has nothing left to give, thus the wine represents good choices and utter selflessness. Overall, the vices and virtues of the Priest are represented through alcohol …show more content…
Pyle is a young, and naive reporter that shows off his democratic diplomacy and “superior” ideals whenever possible. These characteristics create Pyle’s, “pronounced and aggravating views on what the United States was doing for the world” (5). These views of superiority create a condescending view of Pyle that allows him to get lost in Vietnamese policies, much as the United States did later. Pyle’s involvement reflects the American involvement in Vietnam as both got lost in a conflict they had yet to fully understand, endangering and losing many lives in the process as they came to do more bad than good, even with good morale implications. While Pyle comes to symbolize his respective country, Fowler represents Europe in Vietnamese colonialism because, “Fowler… avoids political engagement… which saves him from the mistakes of Pyle” (Kerr 98). Phuong, Fowler’s Vietnamese girlfriend, symbolizes Vietnamese “innocence” and traditionalism as it comes in contact with European influence, represented by Fowler, as Vietnam transitions from European to American, represented by Pyle, occupation; in which Phuong does briefly leave Fowler for Pyle because of Pyle’s promises for a more emotionally and financially stable relationship. However it is Fowler (Europe) that holds promise because Pyle (America) turns the country into a warzone as they try to