The primary premise of The Tipping Point is that little things can prompt enormous changes. Gladwell begins this book by investigating the idea of pandemics utilizing STD episodes and other therapeutic plagues to show how something little can prompt something huge. At that point he goes ahead to a couple of business samples, for example, the rebound of Hush Puppies, which began with only a couple of youthful children wearing them to be a stylish and diverse. Another business case was the Airwalk brand of shoes. This leads to Gladwell hypothesizing that there are basically three rules which govern these idea epidemics. These three laws are the Law of the Few, The Stickiness Factor and the Power of Context. The Law of the Few basically says that a few key individuals are generally responsible for most of the spread of the idea. The Stickiness Factor states that there …show more content…
These three types of people are connectors, salesman and mavens. Connectors are portrayed as those individuals who effectively move from group to group, culture to culture and know how to keep up connections over every one of them. One fascinating investigation that Gladwell shares is discovering the connectors in your group of companions. On the off chance that you take your 40 dearest friends, evidently, you will perpetually return to the same two individuals over and over. When I take a gander at my own Facebook profile to see how I can fit into this role, I saw friends from two different periods of my life, high school and VMI that it was essentially