Does gun violence in video games lead to gun violence in real life? Does playing violent games cause a person to act more violent? Do people become more aggressive the more they play video games? Events such as the shooting at Columbine High School and the more recent, Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida lead researchers to believe that violence in video games leads to violence in real life. Although many don’t have violent thoughts after playing these games, playing video games shows a connection between playing the game and aggressive behavior, these games can and do bring up hostile urges, and playing video games more often can lead players to be a more aggressive person. Playing video games with gun violence shows a link of playing the game and an increase of aggressive behavior. The American Psychological Association observed in an August 2015 policy statement that research showed a connection of playing violent video games such as “Mortal Kombat”, “Fortnite”, and many others creating an aggressive aspect of a person’s personality. Although many won’t show this aggressive …show more content…
Teens who play video games become slightly more aggressive over time. Christopher Brett of Iowa State University lead a research team that let 47 undergrad students play “Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance” for a 15 minute period then the students were to give hot sauce to a student who did not like spicy foods but had to swallow the sauce. Compared to students that played a nonviolent video game, the students who played “Mortal Kombat” were more aggressive and gave their peers a bigger portion of the hot sauce. While it is true that playing video games doesn’t make everyone more aggressive, playing these games for even a short amount of time could affect the way a student