Meg DeFrance
Centenary University
GED 656- Dr. Benedict
Liam is a 6 year old healthy boy who is the youngest of 4 boys with both parents in the home. He was referred to the Child Study Team weeks into the school year in Kindergarten due to a very low DTKR (Developmental Test of Kindergarten Readiness) score. Liam qualified for Resource room, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language services. However, dad would not have any part of the services that were offered so Liam remained in the General Education setting with the support of a Literacy Instructor. Liam had slow processing with his receptive and expressive …show more content…
. Developing concept imagery is necessary to becoming an independent reader, which is necessary to becoming a proficient learner in any subject. And, the process-based instruction provided by the V/V program has proven successful for individuals exhibiting symptoms of Hyperlexia, ADHD, ASD, CAPD, and other learning difficulties. Upon reviewing and reading about this program I feel that it will benefit Liam in multiple ways. His receptive and expressive weaknesses will strengthen through the Picture to Picture activities on a daily basis. Utilizing the structure words will give him the support needed to verbalize and visualize with practice. The pictures begin at a very basic level and continue to build which will help with his lack of vocabulary and word retrieval as well as his communication skills. V & V looks to become a promising piece to building Liam’s schema and communication skills so he can begin his journey to reading with a promising