The causes of smoking can be social, genetic, or due to lack of education. Adolescents take action without full knowledge of the consequences; therefore, they must be informed about the short-term risks along with the long-term risks of cigarette smoking. From the research, it is apparent that social factors have the largest influence on smoking initiation. This includes parents as well as peers. Parents have the power and influence so they should reduce smoking initiation in their own child or children. The most effective way to reduce smoking initiation is to educate parents about the social and genetic causes as well as the harmful physical and psychological effects of smoking, and encourage them to increase their roles and influence in the lives of their …show more content…
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Garcia-Rodriguez, Olaya. Suárez-Vázquez, Rosa. Santonja-Gómez, Francisco José. Secades-Villa, Roberto. Sánchez-Hervás, Emilio. “Psychosocial risk factors for adolescent smoking: A school-based study.” International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 11.1 (2011): 23-33. Print. 25 Nov. 2011.
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