However, moments that are not so great aren’t likely to be posted. These social media applications have such a negative impact on society because we spend so much of our time looking at what other people have then actually working on ourselves. The amount of time spent on our smart phones impacts us more than we know. According to research done by Samasa- Kanyinga , Hugues, and Rosamund Lewis, out of 753 students where 55% of them were Female, more than 22.5% said they spent 2 hours a day sending text messages. (380). Daily use of electronic messaging is independently associated with poor self-rating and mental health issues. These social applications are supposed to be here to easily connect with the people around us, however social media allows people to follow everyone’s lives so closely that is becomes hard not to compare yourself. In this study there were reports of high levels of psychological distress and suicidal ideation (Samasa 381). These levels have skyrocketed over the years, due to the increase of social media use. Most of these suicidal thoughts are occurring because of cyber bullying that goes on. Now children and teenagers are being bullied outside of school and now follows them home.. The younger generations have become so dependent on their social media for their friends to validate their self-esteem, in regards to how many followers they have all the way to the amount of likes they get on instagram. If people have more followers than them or get more likes, it makes them second guess who they are and what their value is. Society is letting these so-called “friends” dictate how they feel about themselves. The low-self esteem that comes from social media is linked to social anxiety, this is because people hide behind their phones that they forget how to interact face-to-face. According to Pierce, socially interactive technologies promote and increase face-to-face communications, but others argue otherwise. These technologies allow people to avoid face-to-face communication (Pierce,1). Which can lead people who feel shy, uncomfortable with talking to someone in person. Things like instant messaging, chat rooms, and email have allowed adolescents to talk to people their age without having to actually meet. Although this is useful, society is now very dependent and is using this as the only form of communication with their friends. This lack of communication that is being done face to face is leading people to avoid
However, moments that are not so great aren’t likely to be posted. These social media applications have such a negative impact on society because we spend so much of our time looking at what other people have then actually working on ourselves. The amount of time spent on our smart phones impacts us more than we know. According to research done by Samasa- Kanyinga , Hugues, and Rosamund Lewis, out of 753 students where 55% of them were Female, more than 22.5% said they spent 2 hours a day sending text messages. (380). Daily use of electronic messaging is independently associated with poor self-rating and mental health issues. These social applications are supposed to be here to easily connect with the people around us, however social media allows people to follow everyone’s lives so closely that is becomes hard not to compare yourself. In this study there were reports of high levels of psychological distress and suicidal ideation (Samasa 381). These levels have skyrocketed over the years, due to the increase of social media use. Most of these suicidal thoughts are occurring because of cyber bullying that goes on. Now children and teenagers are being bullied outside of school and now follows them home.. The younger generations have become so dependent on their social media for their friends to validate their self-esteem, in regards to how many followers they have all the way to the amount of likes they get on instagram. If people have more followers than them or get more likes, it makes them second guess who they are and what their value is. Society is letting these so-called “friends” dictate how they feel about themselves. The low-self esteem that comes from social media is linked to social anxiety, this is because people hide behind their phones that they forget how to interact face-to-face. According to Pierce, socially interactive technologies promote and increase face-to-face communications, but others argue otherwise. These technologies allow people to avoid face-to-face communication (Pierce,1). Which can lead people who feel shy, uncomfortable with talking to someone in person. Things like instant messaging, chat rooms, and email have allowed adolescents to talk to people their age without having to actually meet. Although this is useful, society is now very dependent and is using this as the only form of communication with their friends. This lack of communication that is being done face to face is leading people to avoid