The author mentions that while he was researching on generation differences, he noticed abrupt shifts in teen behavior and that many of the distinctive characteristics of Millennial generation began to disappear. He correctly pointed out on the fact that these dramatic shifts during 2012 were because of the great depression from 2007 to 2009, following to which the proportion of Americans who owned smartphones had surpassed 50 percent, mainly because of the launch of iPhones in 2007. Twenge provided the readers with enough examples to affirm his claims, all of which were supported by a survey. Smartphones, as we all know are one of the greatest reforms in the field of technology. It has changed lives of everyone, including the rich and the poor; people from every ethnic background; people from cities, suburbs and small towns. There are several discussions all of over the world regarding the impact of smartphones on the lives of teenagers. This article focuses on how smartphones destroys the mental health of the teens, keeping them physically safe. There are compelling evidences that smartphones are having a profound effect on the lives of the teens and making them seriously unhappy. From smoking to driving to teenage sex, the author compares GenX and iGens on all basis. The teens have started living in their rooms and being on their phones all day long, which has …show more content…
Several surveys have proved that higher amount of on screen usage results in a teen becoming unhappier and depressed. Social media has increased the loneliness factor in many teenagers because it is a platform which tells them about the hangout plans they weren’t included in. Teens who are heavy users of social media have increased their risk of depression by 27 percent. Heavy use of social media also increases the risk of suicide. Post the introduction of iPhone the homicide rates have decreased but has in turn increased the suicidal rates in the …show more content…
The author urges parents to set mild boundaries to keep kids from falling into the harmful habits. Because rather than keeping technology away from them it is important to demonstrate a more responsible and moderate use of technology.
Highlighted in the article is also one essential point that the author discovered during his conversation with Athena. While in conversation with Athena, the author saw ‘hopeful signs’ that teens themselves are linking some of their troubles to their omnipresent phones. This leaves the readers with a ray of hope that the teens themselves would reduce the use smartphones.
Overall, the article was a good mixture of examples and evidences from the targeted group itself. It assisted parents and teens to relate themselves to the stories and data presented in the article. In all, Jean M. Twenge pleasingly answered the question he raised “Have Smartphones Destroyed a