Bigge (1982) describes learning theory as a “systematic integrated outlook” regarding the nature of learning. Learning is a vast subject and can be viewed from a multitude of angles and viewpoints. …show more content…
Skinner has developed his theory of operant conditioning, also known as instrumental conditioning, which is the current dominant representative of behaviourism. Contrary to Pavlovian, Skinnerian has concentrated on the relationship between voluntary behaviours and responses. His empirical study proposed that reinforcement, either positive or negative, indicates the probability of repetition of a behaviour in the future (Skinner, 1974). ‘Reinforcer’ functions as a determinant for action, intervenes and decides learners’ future or subsequent behaviour. Bandura (cited in Bigge, 1982), as of Skinner, values the importance of the impact of reinforcement upon the connection between behaviour and its consequences. Inspired by Thorndike’s puzzle box, Skinner (cited in Nye, 1992) used his invention, the operant conditioning chamber, also known as “Skinner Box”, to conduct an experiment studying the change in frequency of, for example, a rat to press a lever and a pigeon to lift its head to reach a given height, in order to obtain food. Food, as a reinforcer, has consequently strengthened their response. Through undertaking empirical experiments, he (1974) developed and proven his law of conditioning and law of extinction, which explains that pleasant behaviour is regenerated by positive reinforcement whereas unpleasant behaviour is terminated. The involvement of consciousness, intentions and goals is excluded when reinforcement take place (Schultz …show more content…
Cognitivists define the occurrence of learning in a different way. In contrast to the belief of behaviourists, cognitivists view learning as an exploration of meaning (LACK OF CITATION). Cognitivism could, nevertheless, be interpret as a reaction to behaviourism. Similar to behaviourism, both families of cognitivism and behaviourism theorists have mutual opinion of learning occurs when stimulus and respond is connected (LACK OF CITATION). Yet, instead of consequences determine, cognitivists’ emphasis lied on the automatic mechanistic prevailing process in human brain which undergo intuitive cognising, processing and memorizing of meaning (Bigge,