Newman (2000 p. 195) speaks about “complex kin network” in which author names it “iiregular household structure” that works in a poor area (inner city). Newman, described a young lady named “Patty” who depends on other family members …show more content…
First, challenge is stereotyping “single mothers” living and dealing with survival tactic of single mothers who are white and live in inner-city settings. The whole thing inner-city mothers need to get by, be it food, children’s school, family, friends or emotional relationship with partner (biological or non-biological father) to have the ideal of a “traditional family” and “social economy”. Second, is living arrangement and conflicts with moving back with their mother may lead to boundaries issues and concerns. Lastly, who is more important in the child’s life, the author propose a questions one of the woman “what she would want for her child if something were to happen to her? Nelson, K.M., (2006). One of response was granting privilege to her mother due to the fact the child is familiar with her; however one of the women stated it’s also important the child (son) know his father—even when he not