He felt it was so important that he created the man himself from dust and his own breath (Gen. 2:7-8). Conversely, in Genesis 1, God let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind. Following the creation of wild animals, he deemed that human kind needed to be the dominant creature over all. God created man and woman based upon his image, he told them too to multiply and be fruitful while caring for the Earth, Seas and wildlife (Gen. 1:24-31). Again, readers can see that the creation stories had different opinions of when man was brought to …show more content…
After the creation of light, dome and the sky, God used the third day to place vegetation bearing fruit with seeds, and trees of every kind (Gen. 1:11-13). On the fourth day, God decided that he wanted the streams to teem with wildlife, and to let birds fly throughout the sky. He wanted the wildlife to not be afraid to grow in numbers, filling the waters and skies with life (Gen. 1:20-23). Meanwhile, in Genesis 2, the Lord helped the man by giving him the garden of Eden, but the man was expected to work in this garden in order to eat and prosper (Gen. 2:16-17). The man placed on Earth has absolutely no limitations in Genesis 1. God has placed him there on the sixth day, and allowed for him to know that he is dominant creature over all. Oddly, in Genesis 2, the Lord places a large restriction on the man. He states that if the man works in the garden, he can eat free from any tree, but he was not allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for then the man would die (Gen. 2:16-17). Ultimately, this allows for the Lord to still have power over the