Joseph Stalin rose to power after the death of Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky was the natural successor of Lenin but after a complex power struggle Stalin rose out triumphant. Unlike Stalin who inherited his rule from Lenin, Castro rose to power after the Cuban civil war where he defeated the Cuban president Fulgencio Batista and made Cuba a single party state. Russia has also undergone a revolution in which the imperial regime of Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown by the Bolsheviks. During the revolution Stalin was the commissar of the Bolsheviks. Unlike Castro who was crucial member of the Cuban revolution, Stalin only played minor role in the Russian revolution. Fidel Castro revolution claimed that they were for democracy; Castro had said that he would bring “liberty, peace and rights”. But when Castro got into power, he installed a communist government and banned all other political parties. When Stalin was coming to power, he wanted to make Russia a worldwide example for a communist state. Unlike Lenin and Trotsky, who wanted to spread communism across Europe, Stalin altered the Marxist –Leninist ideology to fuel nationalism into the country, Stalin’s “revolution in one county’ motto appealed to many Russians because they didn’t have the resources to spread communism around the world. Both Stalin and Castro promised to bring change to their countries when they were rising to power, Castro promised to bring “liberty, peace and rights” because during the Batista regime, there was lots of corruption in the Cuban government. Castro promised to get rid of the corruption and incompetence of the Batista government and the internal instability that it spawned. Corruption was serious barriers to economic Improvement. The Bolsheviks used a similar ideology to gain support from the Russian people. Their ideology was “Peace, bread and land,” from the people of Russia. The First World War had a huge impact on Russia, it economy was plunging and its people were hungry, Famine and civil war affected the country ability to fight the war. People were tired of fighting the war and they blamed it on the government. Russia was in chaos, the civil war was taking a toll upon the country. The Bolsheviks were well disciplined and organized; all the other revolutionary groups were in disarray. Communism promised to help recover Russia’s economy and pull out the war. That appealed to many people, The Bolshevik uprising was a mass movement. Peasant, …show more content…
Fidel Castro was a very good orator; his voice was able to sway the emotions of the whole Cuban people. When he spoke the Cuban’s believed everything he said and didn’t doubt any of his actions. When he was rising to power, it was his oratory skills that got his a very high position of power. His speeches were able to undermine the Bastia government while at the same time gaining him