Sikafloor 315N (Polyurethane floor coating) has been specified for PHLab BSL-3 flooring and wall coatings due to its superior chemical, stain and abrasion resistance. However, it is not approved by DPH-EHS (Environmental Health Service) because of high VOC. Sika submitted the letter (attached) explaining the benefits and low safety risks of Sikafloor 315N may exhibit for DPH-EHS’s review and it is still not acceptable. DPH-EHS also thinks that Sikafloor 315N would be overkill since the lab will be using the standard cleaning agents.
Dr. Masinde informed me that they plan to use the facility standard cleaning agents unless there is a spill then they use special kits to clean. The list of disinfectants used in the PHLab Biosafety