Among his many ideas, Freud believed psychoanalysis, or the “talking cure”, was a predominant way to help alleviate the mentally ill. His theory of psychoanalysis explained that some people can be cured by making their unconscious thoughts known. Unconscious thoughts including dreaming. In order to ameliorate someone, Freud came up with hypnosis which would help determine whether there is a mental problem but it was not considered a treatment plan. Hypnosis is where an individual is in a state of consciousness and loses capability of themselves, yet they are extremely responsive and open to suggestion and/or direction. It is intended for a person to calm their mind to the point where they can remember suppressed memories or faded dreams. In this case, when Freud was analyzing dreams he broke them up into two categories: wish fulfillment and manifest versus latent …show more content…
Every morning after I wake up from that dream of losing my teeth, I would have usually just googled what it meant but, studying Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis theory, I was able to take the manifest content and try to decipher it into a plausible explanation that meant more than just me losing my teeth. The manifest content is what I distinctly remember; feeling my mouth full and then spitting my teeth out into my hand. The latent content symbolizing the loss of teeth can actually be interpreted in many ways. One way of censoring the latent ideas was through symbolization with how the teeth relate to my appearance. Losing them could have meant I was embarrassed or had anxiety about my appearance and how others perceived me. The other two censorships fall more underneath condensation. Freud would have probably agreed with it symbolizing “sexual impotence or consequence of getting old” (Dream Moods 2016). Then there is the other version of condensation that is much deeper whereas the loss of teeth resemble the loss of voice, feeling inferior about something and perhaps not having my voice heard. This is because teeth in general are used to bite and be aggressive which can be viewed as power and without teeth means without power. All these hidden symbolisms could