Should children be on a regulated diet? Yes, childhood obesity is too common in children today. This may seem crazy, but when you look at both arguments people will agree that children should go on regulated diets. The main reasons why children should go on diets is because it is healthier, eating badly causes problems in the future, and eating bad food puts children in bad habits.
To start, children should be put on a diet because what they eat now is unhealthy. First of all, sugary sweets can cause serious health problems in the future. For example, this can cause diabetes, heart issues, and many other things. This fact shows that children should go on diets, so they are healthier. With helping health in the future starting a diet at a young age could help people in the future too. Children would stay fit throughout life. That means this could effect anything about your life. In conclusion, children should have regulated diets because it will help them in the future.
In addition to going on diets being healthier; what children eat now can cause issues later on in life. First of all, a person’s body shape/size can affect where you work. It seems wrong, but it has happened before. In the future anyone’s child could be turned down from …show more content…
To begin, eating bad as a child, which can lead into adulthood. If no one ever teaches children how to do something they will never know. This is saying that if a child is not taught to eat healthy they never will. The final way regulated diets would help children is that they would not start habits trying to lose weight. For example, binge and purge, when a person pukes to lose weight. This shows that children should have regulated diets because it can prevent them from having eating disorders. To conclude, children should be put on regulated diet because it can lead to bad habits in the