The controversy surrounding cognitive behavioural approaches to sexual offending will form the basis of this essay. It will pose the question; 'What is the value of approaching sexual offending as a social learning issue through cognitive behaviour …show more content…
These offences range from exposure to offences of sexual homicide (Fisher & Beech 2004: 25). A large proportion of these individuals are young males, particularly those between the ages of 15-19 years. This age group despite revealing a peak in offending between 15-24 years are less likely to commit a sexual assault offence. Despite making up a large percentage of the population sexual offending is not limited to males. Statistics taken from Australian Correctional Services data reveal women make up just under five percent of sexual offenders. It is important to note that while this statistics give us an insight into the extent of sexual offending, they do not include every instance of sexual offences. Failed and unreported cases are not considered within much of the existing sexual offence data (Fisher & Beech 2004: 27). This means that they are not examined when a treatment’s success and its reality are measured, making it difficult to accurately measure cognitive behavioural therapies value in reducing sex offender recidivism