Summary Of The Relationship Between Music And Dating And Sexual Behaviors

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What topic of personal interest did you choose to use for this assignment?

The topic I chose was The Relationship Between Sexual Content in Music and Dating and Sexual Behaviors of Emerging Adults. The topic discusses how music, music videos and popular music icons influence our generation and generations to come.

(2) Why did you choose this topic? What about this topic was interesting to you?

I chose this specific topic because I had found that while driving home over break I heard so many explicit or demeaning things in the music people happened to be playing which made me think about the effects the messages have on our personal lives.

The thing that really stood out and interested me about the article was how broad and in depth the research went on this topic especially the section where 14% of participants reported engaging in their first sexual encounter and first intercourse between the ages of 13 and 15. This really made me think of my own childhood and how possibly it is not only parents who encourage celibacy but it could have also been the music my friends and classmates listened to as well.

(3) Describe the topic or phenomenon discussed in the article. What were the researchers (that is, the author(s) of the article) investigating? Why? The Relationship Between Sexual Content in Music and Dating and Sexual Behaviors of E merging Adults is the topic/phenomenon being discussed within this article. This topic is one about the on going teenage pregnancies and their sexual encounters and how the ages seem to be getting younger and younger. The research done pertains to how music, music videos and music industry icons are influencing these acts in younger kids and whether or not the genre is also playing a role in their acts. They were researching this in order to bring awareness to the dangers musical hotshots and the music we allow our children to hear and see and the effects it has on them. (4) Describe the way that the researcher(s) investigated the phenomenon/topic discussed in the article. That is, what type of method did they use? For example, an experiment, a survey, interviews or other methods you’ve learned about. The researches investigated was done by gathering 729 college students from a large southeastern public research university that were all recruited through their undergraduate psychology courses (Majority being between 18-21 years of age). They received extra credit by answering a 22.54 minute online survey that was comprised of ; four questions accessing gender, age, race/ethnicity, six questions accessing the participants sexual history as well as multiple music ranking and song ranking questions. Finally to make it fair five extra bands were included so that the participant was unaware of what the researchers were looking for. (5) What were the general findings and conclusions of the research? That is, what did the researcher(s) report as their findings? What was discovered from conducting the research? The
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lyrical content increased in pop music, age at first date increased, and as sexual lyrical content increased in country music, the number of sexual partners decreased. These findings support that of previous research in that listening to music containing sexual lyrical content is associated with earlier sexual intercourse and engagement in risky sexual

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