After Lucy Brady inherits an ancient locket containing a mysterious crystal and an ominous warning, she ignores superstition and inadvertently calls forth a living, breathing ancient Roman, who demands his freedom from her tyrannous bloodline. Thinking his appearance an elaborate prank, Lucy agrees with one shocking condition—he becomes her sex slave. When General Hadrian Marias agrees to the saucy deal, Lucy soon realizes he just may be more than she bargained
After Lucy Brady inherits an ancient locket containing a mysterious crystal and an ominous warning, she ignores superstition and inadvertently calls forth a living, breathing ancient Roman, who demands his freedom from her tyrannous bloodline. Thinking his appearance an elaborate prank, Lucy agrees with one shocking condition—he becomes her sex slave. When General Hadrian Marias agrees to the saucy deal, Lucy soon realizes he just may be more than she bargained