How is working memory different then STM. Describe the working memory model. Include a discussion of the the component and what each component is responsible for. …show more content…
Working memory refers to the processes that are used to temporarily store, organize, and change information. Short-term memory refers only to the temporary storage of information in memory. The working model is pioneered by Alan Baddeley and Hitch. This model goes based off the idea that our memory is determined by the speed of rehearsal (Solso,2008). The central executive is considered the supervisor that determines what items or issue go where or if they go haywire (Solso,2008). The phonological loop is said to be limited while the visuospatial sketchpad is responsible for spatial tasks as well as visual tasks. The stimuli coming in goes through the central executive and gets pushed through the phonological loop or visuospatial sketchpad and then potentially into the