This element was used at various points throughout the artifact to instill fear and impose the severity of the situation on minds of the common-folk audience. The way that pathos was implemented in this artifact demonstrated that the author’s purpose was to bring awareness and inform ordinary people about the very real consequences that would accompany a colder climate on Earth. Many of the pathos-based arguments made by the author reflect modern day declarations for why the bees must be saved in the sense that Gwynne primarily uses fear of famine and declining agricultural success to persuade his readers. His use of pathos to support his hypothesis in “The Cooling Earth” is clearly demonstrated when he says, “In England, farmers have seen their growing season decline by about two weeks since 1950, with a resultant over-all loss in grain production estimated at up to 100,000 tons annually.” A similar use of the this rhetorical device was seen in the statement, “The earth’s average temperature during the great Ice Ages was only about 7 degree lower than during its warmest eras”, where the author plays on his audience's fear of hunger and starvation. However, pathos wasn’t the only rhetorical devices used by Gwynne throughout the …show more content…
However, although many people and scientists today would agree with Gwynne on the severity of climate change, they would simultaneously denounce his claim that the global climate is lowering in temperature. As a matter of fact, many would completely oppose the hypothesis of a cooling Earth and rather claim that it is global warming is the largest climatic problem of this era. In summary, the advancements in science and climate change that have come since “The Cooling Earth” was published in 1975 have drastically changed scientists’ understanding on how the global climate is evolving, making this article rather obsolete today. The artifact laid out and followed the scientific data of its time. However, nowadays Gwynne’s hypotheses and arguments would be viewed as outdated due to the emergence of new evidence suggesting that the Earth is heating rather than cooling in recent