Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

Improved Essays
Within the twenty-first century, the discussion of Climate Change is a relatively controversial topic. Scientists, politicians, and environmentalists have been debating the causes and effects of the changing climate patterns for decades. And while there has been scientific evidence that proves the existence of this very real problem, some still seem to see it as a myth or untrue. But in fact, the problem is very real. Climate change can account for many of the world’s problems. Habitat loss, animal extinction, rising temperatures, and problems within our societies are just some of the known problems resulting from the earth’s changing climate. And the worrying thing is, there 's not much we can do to stop it.. Climate change is a scary reality that we all face, one that threatens not only the environment but the general public as well.
Research has shown
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Warming temperatures are rapidly melting a growing percentage of the Arctic sea ice.. Snow cover on land is also dwindling in many areas. Because of the low percentage of snow and ice, these areas go from having bright and shiny blankets of snow that reflect the sun 's heat, to sunlight-absorbing surfaces that cause the earth to get hotter. But this isn 't the only problem, as the ice melts and the ocean’s water warms, they expand, causing the sea-levels to rise. These rising sea levels threaten to take over areas and islands with low or short shores, as well as erode shoreline, and damage property and ecosystems. Rising sea levels is a threaten the very people who live near the ocean, as well as the animals and plants that live there too. These areas close to shores could have much more frequent flooding, and some could even be totally underwater in decades time. Scientists predict by the end of the century, as much as 100 feet could be taken off the coasts of some

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