The Concept of Federalism means that both state and federal governments have different areas of responsibility that they are required to attend to. Traditionally, education has been a local and state issue. Throughout the 20th and early part of the 21st century, the federal government began taking on more responsibility in areas that had previously only been of state or local concern. One such area where there has recently been more federal oversight and regulation is in education policy. For instance, in recent years programs like No Child Left Behind and Race to the top have nationalized standards for children. According to the textbook, Dual Federalism prevailed in the United States from …show more content…
The League of Women Voters of the United States claims a benefit to an increased role of the federal government in education is that it “ensures equal education opportunities for all children across the country, so that we will be better prepared to compete globally” ("Role of The Federal Government in Public Education"). Historically speaking, the federal government has always contributed to the distribution of funds to state and local school districts, the League of Women Voters claim, “There will be more consistency across the districts and states” ("Role of The Federal Government in Public Education”). The League of Woman Voters claims another benefit is from an economic standpoint, stating “achieving equity builds lasting value” ("Role of The Federal Government in Public Education”). They reference American Economist J.J. Heckman’s “(2010) research shows that inequality in the development of human capabilities produces negative social and economic outcomes at every level and can be prevented by the proper investment in people” ("Role of The Federal Government in Public Education”). Heckman’s research “clearly documents the impact of quality early childhood education upon later success in school, and beyond, in health and in economic advantages for society in general” ("Role of The Federal Government in Public …show more content…
Another notable drawback the League of Woman Voters sheds light on is that federal involvement in early childhood essentially comes from “providers of childcare centers as well as legislators” ("Role of The Federal Government in Public Education”). The League of Woman Voters claims some argue that “universal preschool will be too expensive to support and that it will take away funding for K-12 grades” ("Role of The Federal Government in Public Education”). They conclude with the claim, “Educators who own and manage private preschools raise concerns that parents will choose ‘free’ preschools instead of private ones” ("Role of The Federal Government in Public