In the movie “The Martian” the main character Mark Watney (Matt Damon) faces many problems. Watney is stranded on Mars, impelled with an antenna, does not have enough food to stay on Mars and does not have any communication to NASA. Watney and his crew had been on a mission on Mars when they had discovered a storm was coming causing them to abort the mission. As they had been getting ready to leave Mars the storm him making it hard for them to see. As they made an effort to leave a satellite hit impelling him with the antenna and flung him into a different spot making it difficult for his crew members to find him. The mission commander Melissa Lewis (Jessica Chastian) did not want to leave him behind and continued to search …show more content…
He discusses everything that has happened so far along with the fact that he will die on Mars. He says he will either run out of water, food, or his shelter will break. He begins to count his food supply and believes he has a good year more worth of food but the next Mars mission is in four years so he will need three more years worth of food on a planet where absolutely nothing grows. Because Watney is a botanist it is his job to know about food and how to grow it. Watney plants potatoes using martian soil and his crew mates old vacuum sealed feces as fertilizer. Watney burns off hydrazine rocket fuel attempting to make water but causes an explosion. Watney uses chemistry to help him figure out how to compel water for his potatoes. He does eventually figure out to make water and puts a tarp like tent around his potatoes so they will begin to …show more content…
Watney is left with enough potatoes to last him a little over Sol 900. Watney and NASA begin to discuss a plan to rescue him before he runs out of food. NASA is determine to reach Watney by Sol 868. After several days of still being on Mars Watney takes a long tole down hill he begins to lose weight, grows facial hair, and his teeth begin to rot he is now losing hope of his survival. He makes a video telling his parents of his fate. Watney is eventually rescued after spending 461 Sols on