In Flemings City of Rhetoric, he attempts to explain how the geographic landscape impacts and influences us to shape our political beliefs and who we are as people. Fleming first focuses on the ways political ideology developed and how those ideologies effect our relationships. Our political beliefs “group” us together (Fleming, 22). It makes sense. Many of the friend’s people make have similar ideologies, beliefs, values, and morals.…
Liberals are from Mars and conservative from Venus. The main theme of Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences is to present the reader with how neither is better than the other, but different. The book focuses on the analysis on how biology determines our political views and inclinations. John R. Hibbings, Kevin B. Smith and Jon R. Alford are the authors of Predisposed. As biopoliticians, they provide evidence of people’s view and how it differs based on biology.…
“True, we have evolved to be social animals with both positive and negative traits, demonstrating strong tendencies for cooperation and altruism as well as conflict and violence” (Banaji and Greenwald 124). This quote is derived from Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, and gives insight to the larger meaning of the text. There are many lessons that one can take from this book including that humans live in a world full of mindbugs, which can be described as “ingrained habits of thought that lead to errors in how we perceive, remember, reason, and make decisions” (Banaji and Greenwald 4). One can also learn that we live in a world of categories, and these categories create ingroups and outgroups. Going even further, these ingroups and outgroups create stereotyping between opposing groups.…
Some of us have repeatedly taken for granted what our culture has to offer. Certain individuals spend too much time pretending to be something they are not and too often forget to embrace the fact they are special in their own way. Others constantly judge people because of where they come from. Many think they are better than others and discriminate upon them heavily. Society has played a huge impact on the acceptance of cultural diversity over time and influenced negative beliefs to many in order to portray the view of a perfect individual.…
Intro Through out life we become so identified with our own culture and circumstances, that we loose sight of others situations. To become more of a realistic and understanding individual it is important for us to remember that we are not all the norm, that others around us have different circumstances that we should all be aware of. That is the essence of multiculturalism. Is being a part of knowledge’s around you, not just your own.…
Cultural change influences the social assets of a person or a community. It can affect people's behavior, perception, or the way they think. America, in particular, is a weird nation because it is an outlier (Watters 492). In Ethan Watters’s essay, “Being WEIRD: How Culture Shapes the Mind,” Watters depicts the importance of culture shaping human development, focusing on the psychological aspects that cultivates the human mind. If America decided to change its cultural view of itself, it would be more aware and accepting.…
The main purpose of the reading by Matt Motyl titled, “Liberals and conservatives are (geographically) dividing” is that political parties’ affiliations are dividing the U.S. This can be seen through the locations many Americans live such as liberals going to more urban areas as opposed to the conservatives to go to less populated areas in rural states (Motyl, 2016). The author uses the Ideological Enclavement Theory to explain the division of people in the U.S through racial segregation and ideological-segregated enclaves (Motyl,2016). In this theory there are two components which he states, “People have gut-level intuitions about the ideology of different enclaves, and when the ideology if a community matches people’s personal ideology,…
We live in boxes. Constructed by learned perspectives and solidified by societal pressures, their existence is ubiquitous. At my school, the divisiveness of these partitions is powerful: hatred among my peers is developed from the inability to unlearn prejudices in order to understand the circumstances of others. As Vice President of Sister Cities of Durham, an organization dedicated to fostering global cultural understanding, I strive to bridge cultural gaps by giving the students in my city an opportunity to deconstruct these mental confines. From creating school-wide fundraising events for well building in Arusha, Tanzania to hosting and conferencing with exchange students from Denmark and Japan, I spearhead efforts to diversify and aid both my community and those abroad.…
The second feature is related to the way that children are raised. They are taught, maybe indirectly, to think that their way of thinking and living is superior. Because this principal is cultivated so deep down in their personality, is very difficult to doubt it or t change it for that matter. It is like a dogma taught when you were too young to ask the question; why is it this particular way?. So, you are left with the only option to follow it and believe in it blindly.…
In North Korea most people don’t know what “freedom” means, in China most people don’t know what “opinion” means, in the Middle East most people don’t know what “solution” means, and in America most people don’t know what “the rest of the world” means. From shaping personalities to affecting perceptions, culture is the invisible bond that ties individuals together in a society. At a young age, people absorb cultural values and beliefs which are manifested through one’s lifestyle. Culture strongly influences the ways of thinking and living. The differences in these factors is what causes diversity among cultures in several parts of the world.…
Assignment 4 Philip James SOC 100 The first document that I chose is titled “Sociology of Racism” written by Matthew Clair of Havard University and Jeffrey Denis of McMaster University. I wanted to use this paper because it discusses the origin of racism and how people come to possess it. According to Clair and Denis, racism roots from the thought that a certain group is superior to the other because small differences such as hair color, skin tone, and facial structure. Racism is very different from racial discrimination and inequality but really it is the root of difference from one group to another.…
Throughout my life I have been part many diverse cultures and of many community that contain a wide range of race and ethnicity. I was born in Ecuador and moving to the United States was a huge slap in the face. The culture and the way thing were done here compared to my home country was totally different. The life style in Ecuador was harsh and unpleasing but in the states life was so much more pleasurable with all the opportunities that are given me. The only problem is that people where closed minded.…
Culture is the foundation of which we build our lives. It impacts every single aspect of our society: our thoughts, perspectives, actions, and goals, all are impacted by the culture we are surrounded by. However, this cultural impact is not always positive; unless we are aware of our predispositions, those around us may suffer as a result of their consequences. Because its impact is so great, is it very easy to have our perspective of the world be in a negative, harmful light, even when we are not aware of it. Culture influences the way we see the world, which influences the way we change the world.…
There are many cultures all over the world; each culture has their own societies and people to take care of. Each culture has their own set of laws that need to follow, but some could be offensive to what we think is morally right. Which is why Mary Midgley, who was a Senior lecturer in Philosophy at Newcastle University in England, argues that moral reasoning requires the possibility of judging the practices of other cultures. If moral isolationism is the world is sharply divided into separate societies, each with it’s own system of thought, then we ought to respect and tolerate these systems and are therefore forbidden to criticize them. Moral isolationism is the world is sharply divided into separate societies, each with it’s own system…
America has always been the country where immigrants come for a better life. Our country’s society has constantly been changing as more and more people come here from different walks of life. There has been a rise in the attention given to immigrants and the cultural changes in America lately. Multiculturalization and racial diversity can be both beneficial and harmful to our society today. Language is one of the biggest effects of the United States becoming a multicultural country.…