When I first came to Maastricht and attended the first tutorial at the Maastricht University it felt so tricky and complicated, because I have never experienced Problem Based Learning method. However, it was just a temporary period and everything goes only to the good, thus I would like to depict that change.
In the preliminary discussion ‘formulating learning objectives’ stays constant throughout both checklists, however we can see a major change in ‘defining the problem’. In the beginning it was unclear how to determine problems or how to clarify concepts but it is no longer an issue in the tutorials.
If you want to be prepared for tutorials you have to put a lot of effort into your homework and analyzing tasks that were assigned. In the self-study section of the PBL Skills in an International Classroom checklist we can see just a slight change in preparation for post-discussions, however points like ‘selecting sources of information’, ‘studying sources’ and others did not change; thus we can conclude that it is my strength.
Showing your strengths in a delicate way takes some time that is why you have to fully engage in post-discussion at tutorials. As it was mentioned in the beginning, at the start of the year it was some sort of tricky how to properly participate, however all of the points moved to the right and reached maximum. Points like ‘supporting with diagrams/examples’, ‘testing new knowledge’ and ‘asking questions/giving additional information’ stay the same through both of the checklist. However, we can see a slight change in traits like ‘brief and clear presentation of subject matter studied’ or ‘relating to learning objectives/problem’. Such happened because I developed and tailored my skills in the past month to meet the requirements of the tutorials as well as to clearly communicate with other group members. Operating and communicating with other group members, that is a duty of both discussion leader and group attendants. …show more content…
I did not have an opportunity of being the head of debate; however we can see a huge improvement in the discussion leader part of the checklist. At the beginning it was scattered all over the place but it maximized completely in just one month. ‘Summarizing’, ‘stimulating’, ‘asking questions’ and ‘concluding’ are the points that has a tendency to stay fixed; however we can notice a major improvement in ‘structuring’ and slight changes in point like ‘preparation’, ‘reformulating’ and others. Hence, we can conclude that being a discussion leader in upcoming tutorials should not be a general issue, and tutorial should go as smooth as hot knife through butter. In general I am satisfied with my skills in class and outside of it; however there is a tendency of improvement throughout the different periods of the time. The most appealing points are the self-study part because I appreciate possibility of searching, reading and finding information in different sources, and then presenting those in front of the people. In addition, we could add participation in post-discussion and in tutorials, because there is a huge improvement in that. Relatively speaking, oral and presentation skills are the skills that satisfy me the most because I am a student that likes interaction with others as well as sharing important information that can be not just at the university but also away from it. As it was mentioned before that I am pleased of my competencies; however that would be stupid to acknowledge that the one does not an overall improvement. In the second period I will emphasize focus on crucial points like problem definition, providing information more clearly so that everyone could understand it, engaging even more in the in-class and out-class work with other members. In addition, we can conclude of the feedback provided by other members that I translate information in a hard to understand way, so that is the area which needs improvement. However, in my humble opinion, it has to do something with my past since I have had professional job experience and I do have a tendency to communicate with people that are way much older than me and are established in the society. In conclusion, I am honored to engage in the Maastricht University and Problem Based Learning classes and consider that as a turning point towards becoming better communicator, person and businessman in the long-run. Such experience could be a valuable key-skill when applying