The ANOVA summary report indicated an f-critical value of 3.01 and an f value of 14.68. The observed p value was 0.000012. Because my f value exceeded my f-critical value, I accepted the hypothesis there is a statistically significant difference between the number of unexcused absences for ninth through twelfth grade students at NPHS. …show more content…
Although the precise location of these differences is unknown due to the number of variables tested, the grade level sums and averages show a large difference between the number of unexcused absences for ninth and twelfth grade students when compared to tenth and eleventh grade students. The senior class (12th grade) have thus far observed the greatest number of absences of all four grade levels (906). Eleventh grades students have the fewest number of unexcused absences (432). Similarly, the average monthly number of unexcused absences ranged from 61.7 (11th grade) to 129.4 (12th