Earning an Associates Degree is a necessary step toward receiving the International Right of Way Agent Designation, the edge required to compete for higher level positions with the City of Fort Collins, and positively impacts the eligibility for future employment with the Federal government. Completing my education and pursuing a higher-level career will in turn assist in elevating my financial and family goals. The snowball effect from getting a higher-level education and reaching my career goals will provide the financial ability to help my children pursue their goals and dreams. My children deserve the opportunity to go to college without the struggles I experienced. Elevating my career through higher education in Political Science will improve the quality of life for me, my family and community at
Earning an Associates Degree is a necessary step toward receiving the International Right of Way Agent Designation, the edge required to compete for higher level positions with the City of Fort Collins, and positively impacts the eligibility for future employment with the Federal government. Completing my education and pursuing a higher-level career will in turn assist in elevating my financial and family goals. The snowball effect from getting a higher-level education and reaching my career goals will provide the financial ability to help my children pursue their goals and dreams. My children deserve the opportunity to go to college without the struggles I experienced. Elevating my career through higher education in Political Science will improve the quality of life for me, my family and community at