If this was the dominant understanding of the Euro-American past – that colored people laid out the foundation for European society – there may not be such a rift between races because it would be understood that colored people provided the base for what is our society today, and then whites and blacks alike helped it to thrive. At the University of Michigan, one may see more colored people enrolled in school, as financial troubles and poor educational opportunities may not pose the same issues for a substantial percentage of this group that they do today. It would be a societal norm that people of all races are treated with respect, and the material students learn about in class may reflect a very different relationship between races throughout the course of
If this was the dominant understanding of the Euro-American past – that colored people laid out the foundation for European society – there may not be such a rift between races because it would be understood that colored people provided the base for what is our society today, and then whites and blacks alike helped it to thrive. At the University of Michigan, one may see more colored people enrolled in school, as financial troubles and poor educational opportunities may not pose the same issues for a substantial percentage of this group that they do today. It would be a societal norm that people of all races are treated with respect, and the material students learn about in class may reflect a very different relationship between races throughout the course of