Tensions between people of different races in America have existed for centuries. Such tensions caused the segregation of schools for African Americans. Children didn’t have the same educational …show more content…
It is utilized every day to ensure the safety of the country. The (somewhat) trusted process has been to thank for many persecutions ending with the correct verdict; in the ideal situation, only the guilty are punished. Before establishment of the Miranda rights, however, things were quite different. People who were completely innocent may not have had the opportunity to receive a fair and equal trial due to financial issues or a lack of knowledge regarding freedom of speech. “Along with other Warren Court decisions, Miranda has increased public awareness of constitutional rights,” and what law enforcement can and cannot do to determine suspects as guilty. (Richard A. Leo, “The Impact of ‘Miranda’ revisited”) It is important for accused persons to have knowledge of their rights, and to have proper representation. Otherwise, one wrong move and an innocent party might be facing jail time, or worse. Perhaps, someone belonging to a minority that may have been targeted by police wouldn’t have the means to access a lawyer or attorney. Equality before a court provides the opportunity for a much fairer trial for criminal charges and a much better chance for the truly guilty party to be brought to justice. Still today, the Miranda law stands steadfast at the helm of the American Criminal Justice System. In 2000, the Supreme Court “strongly reaffirmed its landmark Miranda decision, which requires police to inform criminal suspects of their rights to remain silent and to be represented by an attorney during interrogation.” (“Miranda warnings upheld, Supreme Court says right now deeply rooted”) Groups targeted by law enforcement would never see the light of day if it were not for the laws set in place demanding equal treatment within criminal handlings. American society changed drastically as a result of court decisions like Miranda v. Arizona; safety and equality became a reality for many people