RCADS For Life

Improved Essays
Depression in childhood normally refers to the kids that are in elementary. Depression is also a common mental health problem in young kids. Anxiety and depression affect children’s quality of life and are a risk factor for several life outcomes, such as poor academic and professional achievement, substance abuse, anxiety, depression and other mental disorders, and suicidal behavior. In this reading it talks about how they develop a group to help kids with their depression and anxiety.
The program was called The FRIENDS for Life program which a protocolled preventive intervention for childhood anxiety and depression based on cognitive behavior therapy program that taught children how to recognize symptoms of anxiety or depression, how to
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Peer nominations formal children in the classroom fromT1toT4. In the control schools, comprising the control group and general population sample, and peer nominations from all children in the class at T1 to T4. Teachers nominated the children they believed suitable for FRIENDS for Life at T1. After T4, control schools were offered to implement FRIENDS for Life. The researchers or trained research assistants collected data during school hours. They also contacted children who left elementary school at T3 or T4 by e-mail to fill out a digital RCADS questionnaire. In the intervention group, we also collected addresses and telephone numbers, enabling us to send questionnaires to children’s homes and make follow-up calls.
The results were T2, there was virtually no attrition from the study. At T3 and T4, self-, teacher-, and peer-reported data were more often missing for older children across study conditions. Gender, ethnicity, SES, and intervention effects were not associated with attrition from the study. The RCADS data were more often.

I feel that this was a good study and Program that they created to help these kids keep down there anxiety and Depression level. This program taught the kids how to React and handle situations without flipping out or rather getting depressed over. They found out a better way to control their feeling and

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