Chris Morganroth. SmithsonianNMAI, 2012. Film. This is an informative video provided by the Smithsonian Museum featuring Chris Morganroth, a Quileute elder. In this video, Chris Morganroth tells the history of the Quileute tribe and provides a full-length narrative about the Quileute's creation myth. Chris Morganroth provides a great deal of information in regards to the Q'wati, the one responsible for the Quileute's existence. Additionally, he provides details of Q'wati's journey and other transformations he performed to better the world.
The Real Quileute Tribe Legends. Quileute Nation, 2012. …show more content…
The Great Spirit told Q'wati that he was to fulfill certain tasks on Earth to improve the quality of life for all the living things, including the creepers in the dirt, and to ensure that the world was always sensational (Morganroth, Native Storytelling Festival). Q'wati set off and journeyed around the world, setting things right and altering earthly elements, such as landscaping, as needed. He made certain that the world was balanced and consistently in a state of harmony to make sure that when any change came, the transition would be smooth and the world would remain comfortable for all living things. It seems that instead of making order out of chaos, as seen in so many other creation myths, Q'wati is continually maintaining the world's order to prevent chaos from ever presenting itself (The Real