Prostitution In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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“The world’s oldest profession!” What profession might that be? Prostitution, of course. Whores, as it seems, have established themselves in literature and culture since the beginning of written word. The Book of Revelations, to John Wilmot, now to Nathaniel Hawthorne all include some mention of promiscuous women and their debaucherous deeds. Although in Hawthorne's case prostitution in particular is not mentioned, being a whore is. Hawthorne utilizes sly allusions and implications from his character to imply the whorishness of Hester Prynne.
Hawthorne, through the mouthpiece of the Governor, labels Prynne as “...worthy of her type of Babylon!” (Hawthorne 106). This provides a clear allusion to the biblical Whore Of Babylon mentioned in the

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