The Unbiased Opinion Of Hester Prynne

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The Unbiased Opinion of Hester Prynne Hester Prynne from, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is not a heroine in author D.H Lawrence’s eyes. When analyzing the different scenarios that occurred throughout the novel, Lawrence found key elements that proved Hester should not be glorified. Despite how Hawthorne painted Prynne, Lawrence makes an effort to show the realities of Prynne through concise syntax, mocking tones, and critical allusions. Compared to Hawthorne’s use of intricate, and lengthy sentence structure, Lawrence takes a different approach and uses short, and simple syntax to get his point across. Instead of making things complicated, he uses phrases such as, “...and the first thing she does is seduce him... and the first thing he does is to be seduced…” (Lawrence). Keeping the ideas brief, and choppy allows the reader to grasp the full potential of what Lawrence is trying to portray. He looks upon Prynne as a sin, and to ensure that his audience understands …show more content…
Through the use of mocking tones, Lawrence is able to provide more insight to the actuality of Hester Prynne. Tone is apparent in the phrase, “it is, perhaps the most colossal satire ever penned…” (Lawrence). The way Lawrence writes this segment shows that there is a deeper meaning behind it. At a glance it may not look like it, but when analyzed closely, it is evident that he is trying to be farce towards Hester. Lawrence goes further into mocking her by describing her, “danc[ing] a witch’s jig of triumph, sew[ing] a scarlet letter with gold thread, and stand[ing] meek on the scaffold [to] fool the world” (Lawrence). It is quite evident that Lawrence’s feelings toward Hester is dissatisfaction. To emphasize this even more he used her actions as a way to explain her adulterous ways. Mocking her previous series of events led the readers to believe an unpopular opinion; that Hester is not a

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