Learning Objectives:
Acquire a professional growth plan document.
Intern will be able to articulate the superintendent’s goals in his/her PGP.
Intern will identify the relationship between the professional growth plan goals and the district goals in the strategic plan.
Intern will compare and contrast urban, suburban and rural superintendent responsibilities.
Articulation of the Superintendent’s goals in her professional growth plan:
The goals in Dr. Furnari’s professional growth plan were developed with three important components in mind. First, her goals reflect what is required by the state as far as exepctations for school leaders. Second, her goals relate to her district …show more content…
New mandates related to the laws that govern New Jersey schools require that the Superintendent keep abreast of the laws and procedures that must be followed. This knowledge assists her in making informed decisions that protect students and staff, and helps to avoid potential legal ramifications. These areas of skill also will better help Dr. Furnari to work with the Board in an effective manner. To achieve this goal, options were researched regarding appropriate national and state workshops that focus on these topics. Networking with other superintendents to share strategies related to governance, management, and new state mandated policies became a part of the Superintendent’s work this year that contributed to the reaching of this goal. Being a new superintendent, Dr. Furnari also made efforts to join and participate in new superintendent network meetings to help her gain an understanding of what to expect during her first year as a superintendent. These efforts also gave the Superintendent a peer network to discuss challenges with. In addition, Dr. Furnari facilitated the purchase of HIB software, known as Hipster, that guides personnel through the HIB process to help legally protect school districts. Professional development workshops were researched and attended, ranging from workshops focused …show more content…
This goal directly relates to the district goals in that resource management is a focal point in both documents. Wise decisions must be made when handling school funding and resources, and these decisions must always be made in support of teaching and student learning. Dr. Furnari’s district is discussed as being fiscally responsible, and as a new superintendent, Dr. Furnari set a goal to increase her knowledge in this area so as to help the district to remain this way. Along with attending workshops and webinars that deal with the subject of school resource management, accomplishing this goal is dependent upon working in collaborating with the district’s business administrator, not only to gain a better understanding of the fiscal and operational status of the district, but to work together in developing budgets that meet the educational needs of the district.
Relationship between the professional growth plan goals and the district goals in the strategic plan:
Dr. Furnari explained that, along with the district goals outlined in the strategic plan and their PGP, that superintendents often have merit goals as well. Her merit goals were not required until year 2, but she has begun working on them anyway. Dr. Furnari described her PGP goals as “somewhat related to our district goals, but not that much, due to the PGP goals being more