Each of the seven principles are equally important to replicate in the online classroom, if one is to create a class that is engaging, interesting, and rewarding academically to students.
Encouraging contact between students and faculty is critical and always encouraged. I encourage contact with my students and would not have an issue replicating this principle. Student and faculty engagement is an important aspect to a student’s academic success. Students look to faculty for guidance and direction. “Develops reciprocity and cooperating among students” I anticipate may be challenging to replicate, as it can be difficult to get students to mutually work together in the classroom, let alone …show more content…
Students want to know how they are progressing, and without prompt feedback, they feel lost and in limbo. Replicating this principle online should not be any different than it would be in a face-to-face class.
Emphasizing time on task and communicate high expectations I grouped together as they are in my opinion intertwined. They are both principles that would be no different to replicate online than it would be in a face-to-face class. Communicating with students and providing expectations should not change because of where the class is being taught. In my face-to-face classes, I touch on time management skills and I would communicate and emphasize the expectation of time spent on assignments. It is important to communicate regularly and provide guidelines for students to follow.
Lastly, respecting diverse talents and ways of learning is a principle that may propose some challenges to replicate online, however not impossible. The student who may be a good writer, but not so good at test taking, or vice versa, the assignments will need to be developed with them in mind. I believe in encouraging different styles of teaching to meet the needs of my students, which is why I mix up the assignments I give to my class. I feel this gives every student a fair and even chance at learning and academic success. I would try to replicate this principle in the same manner online as I approach it in the