- Moodiness
- Embarrassment
- Depression,
- Self-consciousness
- Negative body image
- Higher chance of developing an eating disorder
- More likely to get involved with drugs
- Higher rates of suicide
As a teacher you need to be aware of what your students are going through in order to provide them with a comfortable and safe learning environment. Girls that show signs of early physical development may appear older than they are. This may cause others to treat them as the age they look to be, instead of the age the actually are. Physical developments do not equal emotional and metal development. Teachers need to be patient and understanding of the situation teen girls are facing. While there may be outburst here and there, it is vital to not take it personally. Provide the student with space and time to calm down and address the issue at a later date if needed. The teacher needs to be the model for behaviour at all times. When teaching you need to be mindful of the …show more content…
Bullying has become a major focus for schools. Many cases of bullying go unreported, and people in authority positions are unaware of what is occurring between students in their care. My classroom will be a safe environment for all of my students. Having respect for oneself and others is something I highly value. I plan on enforcing rules around respect. I want my students to feel comfortable coming to me with any problems or concerns they may be having. I personally feel that it is better to be active instead of reactive. Laying out expectations that you have for students and enforcing those expectations sets the students up for success and can prevent future problems. There will be times were being reactive is required, if that need arises I feel that it is important that all involved parties have had time to calm down and approach the issue in an appropriate and respectful