I loved it so much and wanted to give it my all! I learned very quickly that being late for any rehearsals or shows had severe consequences. My theatre director, Mr. Grizzle, has impacted in my life and taught me important life lessons. He always said, “The rehearsals and the shows will not stop if you skip or are late. They go on without you. The same goes for life in the real world, like when you have a job or when you are attending a college class. Then being late or skipping could get you fired or failing a class.” His lectures to our thespian troupe has really helped me to realize that if you don’t show up, people will continue doing what they’re doing but you will lose something in the end. Being successful is important to me and being on time is one key to
I loved it so much and wanted to give it my all! I learned very quickly that being late for any rehearsals or shows had severe consequences. My theatre director, Mr. Grizzle, has impacted in my life and taught me important life lessons. He always said, “The rehearsals and the shows will not stop if you skip or are late. They go on without you. The same goes for life in the real world, like when you have a job or when you are attending a college class. Then being late or skipping could get you fired or failing a class.” His lectures to our thespian troupe has really helped me to realize that if you don’t show up, people will continue doing what they’re doing but you will lose something in the end. Being successful is important to me and being on time is one key to