Animals are the second smartest species in the world, yet people feel the need to put them through torturous trials and harsh treatment by using pills, injections, and many skin care products. Would a human being want to go through all of that? According to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, also known as PETA, “More than 100 million animals suffer and die in the U.S. every year in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetic tests as well as in medical training exercises and curiosity driven medical experiments at Universities.” This demonstrates the large population of animals that is unjustly used for experimental purposes. Inhumane is an understatement for how millions of animals are treated by scientists, medical professionals, and even professors. Just because a couple college students and professors are curious doesn’t mean they should have the right to perform studies on innocent animals. Curiosity can often be beneficial but for the sake of animals and their well-being, curiosity driven medical experiments need to stop. Only 8% of products or drugs actually work on humans after clearing the animals’ trials, proving that animal testing is ineffective. Not only are alternatives a better option, but they would also make more sense, simply because animal testing is not providing us with the answers we need and the cures we are searching for. The New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS) states, “As science continues to transform our world beyond what we know, and technology continues to transform and expand upon what we depend on as our “rule of thumb,” medical research and testing will also transition to embrace and depend on alternatives rather than the use of animals.” Eventually as our world continues to get smarter, more and more people will realize alternatives are the better option in comparison to brutally testing medications on animals that undoubtedly will not even work on humans. Again, an excerpt from PETA proclaims, “There is no doubt that the best test species for humans are humans. It is not possible to extrapolate animal data directly to humans due to interspecies variation in anatomy, physiology and biochemistry (MacLennan & Amos).” Through this text, it is evident that animal testing is unproductive as the species being tested are just too different from the human beings anticipating to use the experimented product. Although many people already donate their bodies to science as a step towards progressing science, law makers should consider a replacement for the death penalty. Hypothetically, prisoners on death row could be utilized for scientific research in place of innocent animals. This would not only …show more content…
A noteworthy source declares, “Laws are in place to ensure that animals are treated humanely…Well treated animals give better test results.” This website makes two significant points in support of animal testing. It is important to consider that not all animals involved in experiments are harmed by the product being tested. In fact, it can be damaging to the experiment if the animals are treated unjustly because the animals’ stress level may affect the results of the experiment. In other words, it is for the benefit of the research that the animals are treated with compassion. In addition to the notions previously discussed, one shall also consider the benefits animal testing provides for humans. It allows humans to be spared from the tests themselves and protects those that intend to use the product in mass numbers. Also, animal testing has played a role in helping discover medications that can treat particular human diseases, which obviously is beneficial for the entire human