Persuasive Essay On Veganism

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i’ve promoted veganism at my high school by putting up flyers promoting veganism, passing out animal rights stickers, and wearing shirts that say vegan and shirts that promote a vegan lifestyle. Wearing these shirts arises questions from my peers which gets people interested in animal rights and veganism. I’m also writing my essay for Capstone on veganism and the negative effects of factory farming. The Capstone project is this project that all seniors have to do to graduate and the main components are a persuasive essay, service hours with a mentor, and then present everything that was learnt to the class. My mentor is this veterinarian at the SF SPCA and I have learned a lot about animals and veterinary medicine. I cant wait to present everything …show more content…
My challenges definitely have to be dealing with people who are a bit hateful towards veganism or animal rights. Sometimes, I tell people about how and why I’m vegan and they insult me or tell me about how what I’m doing is wrong or unhealthy. Whenever this happens, I remain calm and just explain to them why its moral and completely healthy to go vegan/vegetarian and if that doesn't work I just leave because I don't have to deal with close-minded individuals. I’ve learned in the past that when dealing with close-minded people, you cant argue with them; you have to just ignore them. I plan to promote veganism/vegetarianism/animal rights in college the same ways I do now such as talking about it, passing out flyers and stickers, and wearing shirts promoting it. I would also petition for vegan/vegetarian food since I know some schools don't even carry these options. Also, if there isn't any animal rights clubs at my school, I would try to get one established. My future goals are to be happy and I could say what my dream job is, where I want to live, where I want to travel, if I want to get married and have kids but none of those things really matter if I’m

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