Back in 2013 on December 4th, 16-year-old Alyssa Ettl, a junior at Lakeville North had gotten in a car accident and we all probably remember this sad event. Alyssa had lost control of her car and ended up colliding with an SUV(Ferraro). And now 2 years exactly later another car accident happened on December 4th, 2015 but with 4 Lakeville South students. 2 of the students were announced dead at the scene of the accident it was 17-year-old Jacob Flynn and 18-year-old John Price, the other 2 students were sent to the hospital with injuries(Highberger). It is because of events like this I believe we should raise the driving age to 18 because teenagers are now considered adults at 18 and it will decrease texting while driving.
My first reason is that teenagers are now considered adults at 18. When you become 18-years-old you get new responsibilities that make you a legal adult. In Montana at the age of 18 you are now allowed to vote, join the military will no okay from parents, get a tattoo, legally get married, own a house, have a child, go to jail, have credit, pay taxes, own a car, become an organ donor, write a will, sign a contract with your name and many more(McCulloch). In Minnesota as an 18-year-old you are allowed to get a hunting …show more content…
Alyssa, Jacob, and John were all high schools who were all involved greatly in school. If they all wouldn’t have been able to drive then maybe they all could’ve avoided those car accidents. They all could’ve gone to school the next day and the boys could’ve gone to their basketball game on Friday. And people miss them greatly. I bet everyone wishes they all didn’t get in those car accidents and died.We can avoid the hurt to parents when they lose their children to driving at a young age. This can be avoided in the future if we just raise the driving age to