Ever since I was a young girl I showed signs of anxiety, but I let them go unrecognized for years. I didn't know what it was at the time. I just knew at all times of the day I had to have someone by me. I can remember having the worst mental breakdowns over the littlest things. Typically that's normal for a young child, But i knew it wasn't normal for me. I knew something was wrong but I was always told to let it go and to basically calm down. Starting to see many other people go through the same situations so I preceded as they were normal. I hated going to school and as a kindergartner I would sob as I had to leave my mom’s side.
Anxiety disorders are psychological disorders. Although our minds may make it seem worse than it really …show more content…
Most of the time, without any reason or explanation. As for me that's how I felt, I could be doing nothing, and all of a sudden I feel my body is being taken over by a disorder that I can't help. The anxious feelings may be so uncomfortable that you try so hard to avoid them you may stop some everyday activities.I would feel so uncomfortable with the way my body handled anxiety I would feel more safe hiding in my room everyday than to have to deal with having these anxiety breakdowns. Anxiety can be so intense they terrify and control you. These disorders are the most common of all the mental health