We were educated on design principles, tolerances and fits. Once introduced, the students were allowed to work on customer parts. These projects vary from simple to complex but always end up being completed to the customers satisfaction. 11th grade is also when we’re allowed to go out and work for local companies. This work-study program gives a whole new perspective to the manufacturing field. For senior year I’m expecting to learn complex cnc programing and machining. This includes two important parts in the field: creating irregular shapes, on the mill and lathe, and turning parts concentric. Once mastered, we are again allowed to work. The companies hold higher expectations but we are rewarded with experience and pay. I have grown greatly over the years and I believe it’s due to Ellis Tech. I’ve been able to work as a minor in my future career and work with those I strive to be like. I regret nothing about coming to Ellis as I’ve been able to get ahead of other kids with the same goals as
We were educated on design principles, tolerances and fits. Once introduced, the students were allowed to work on customer parts. These projects vary from simple to complex but always end up being completed to the customers satisfaction. 11th grade is also when we’re allowed to go out and work for local companies. This work-study program gives a whole new perspective to the manufacturing field. For senior year I’m expecting to learn complex cnc programing and machining. This includes two important parts in the field: creating irregular shapes, on the mill and lathe, and turning parts concentric. Once mastered, we are again allowed to work. The companies hold higher expectations but we are rewarded with experience and pay. I have grown greatly over the years and I believe it’s due to Ellis Tech. I’ve been able to work as a minor in my future career and work with those I strive to be like. I regret nothing about coming to Ellis as I’ve been able to get ahead of other kids with the same goals as