My map doesn 't have nearly as many pins but someday I hope mine is covered with all of the pins representing all of the many experiences I 'll have. I always said "when I travel to new places I 'll want to try all of the new foods without a doubt." I went to Spain last summer, and boy, there was a lot of doubt involved when it came to trying new things. I wanted to be more open to now experiences but I just couldn 't, I mean the size of those shrimp things, I don 't even know if they were shrimp, but they were huge. Our cousins took us to a restaurant right on the beach after a nice relaxing day and ordered us some paella. It wasn 't too bad but there were 4 or 5 gigantic "shrimp" sitting on the top. "Try it," they said "It 'll be great," they said. I didn 't believe them and passed but my mom tried it. It was a no go. I wish I had tried it because even if it wasn 't that great, I could at least say I did it, at least say I tried. I 'd like to believe that the next time I go away I 'll be more open to trying new things, and eventually I 'll get used to trying new things, as if trying new things isn 't even a new thing anymore. I don 't want to miss out on amazing new experiences just because I 'm "nervous" that 's no real excuse to skip out if you ask
My map doesn 't have nearly as many pins but someday I hope mine is covered with all of the pins representing all of the many experiences I 'll have. I always said "when I travel to new places I 'll want to try all of the new foods without a doubt." I went to Spain last summer, and boy, there was a lot of doubt involved when it came to trying new things. I wanted to be more open to now experiences but I just couldn 't, I mean the size of those shrimp things, I don 't even know if they were shrimp, but they were huge. Our cousins took us to a restaurant right on the beach after a nice relaxing day and ordered us some paella. It wasn 't too bad but there were 4 or 5 gigantic "shrimp" sitting on the top. "Try it," they said "It 'll be great," they said. I didn 't believe them and passed but my mom tried it. It was a no go. I wish I had tried it because even if it wasn 't that great, I could at least say I did it, at least say I tried. I 'd like to believe that the next time I go away I 'll be more open to trying new things, and eventually I 'll get used to trying new things, as if trying new things isn 't even a new thing anymore. I don 't want to miss out on amazing new experiences just because I 'm "nervous" that 's no real excuse to skip out if you ask